The Performance Matrix

The Performance Matrix

52% Said Yes They Would Accept Death If Taking A Drug Guaranteed Victory

‘In a survey conducted by Dr. Gabe Mirkin, over a hundred top American athletes were asked if they were given the option of taking a drug which would make them an Olympic champion but which could kill them within a year, would they take it? Almost 55 per cent of the sample said they would take the drug (Donohoe & Johnson, 1986, p. 125)


The Goldman Dilemma – Dr. Goldman conducted a survey where he asked ‘If I had a magic drug that was so fantastic that if you took it once you would win every competition you would enter, from the Olympic decathlon to Mr Universe, for the next five years, but it had one minor drawback – it would kill you five years after you took it – would you still take the drug?’ (Goldman et al., 1984, p. 32).To this question, more than fifty percent – (52 percent) – said YES.

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